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Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Shiva Purana - 2


The Glory of Shiva Purana - Prologue - Chapter - 2

Saunaka after listening to the introductory note of Suta was awe struck by the wonderful narrative and thanked Suta for sharing the tale which destroys the host of sins, purifies mind and propitiates Lord Shiva. He further asked Suta to tell more about the divine story of the Lord with compassion to enlighten and gratify the world.  Suta further stated that the Shiva Purana is a great Jananayajna which dispels all sins and delights Shiva. The Manudharma established Varnashrama vidhana wherein the society followed set rules and norms. It is not a debate that we have to follow it or discard. But in the Kaliyug the world is full of wickedness, lecherous disposition, violent activities, malicious temperament, thirst of covetousness, deception, misappropriation and unclean habits. Suta here highlights with the example of Devaraja, a vicious brahmin who was  addicted to wine, characterless, slayer of his own family, threat for the society, a cheat who robbed people in business and a icon of adharma. One day he happened to hear the holy discourse of Shiva Purana in a temple during his last days and thus Lord Yama relieved him from his clutches and he attained Shiva loka. A mere hearing of the blessed story of Shiva Purana qualifies even the greatest sinner for liberation and salvation. Om Shivoham!

D. Ashalatha Reddy

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