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Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Shiva Purana - 5

The Glory of Shiva Purana - Prologue - Chapter - 5

The eternal bliss is not momentary and is reaching the holy feet of Lord SHIVA the redeemer. Cancula was fortunate enough to attain salvation and reverentially bowed down in front of Goddess Parvathi. As mata was immensely pleased with Cancula's devotion she gave her a boon. At this benevolence Cancula enquired about her husband's whereabouts. Mata Amba told Cancula about the gory plight of Binduga, who after serving his spell in Hell as become a Pisaca, a residue of sins and happened to be in the Vindhya Mountains. Overwhelmed by the painful distress of her husband, Cancula begged for his redemption. Jagadamba then sent Tumbura, the holy sage to narrate the story of Shiva. The news spread across the world and the congregation of sages came not only to bind Pisaca, but also to listen to the sacred verses. The holiest of the holy Shiva Purana transformed Binduga in to an angel and reunited him with his wife as they lived ever after in the service of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. Suta said that anyone who listens to this anecdote and recite piously shall enjoy immense pleasures and liberation from world. 

Om Shivaya Namah!

D Ashalatha Reddy

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