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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

On youtube with a Friend - Cookery Show

 Time to feel that my cooking does get some compliments

It's really so nice to have some one appreciate you. Believe me no one does that better than your children. After all my ups and downs in cooking one constant supporter is my son. I love cooking only for him. Lockdown gave me so many ideas to explore. One such thing was to start cooking passionately once again as I used to do many years back. Here is one such clipping. Hope everybody likes it.

D. Ashalatha Reddy

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Shiva Purana - 6

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The Glory of Shiva Purana - Prologue - Chapter - 6 - Rules for listening to Shiva Purana

As Suta enlightened Saunaka, any one contemplating to recite Shiva Purana should start the reading on an auspicious date so that there are no obstacles in the middle. Along with revered devotees of Lord Shiva every body is allowed and welcome irrespective of their cast and community. The recitation of Shiva Purana is a holy and festive happening where people gather to celebrate the benevolence of Adideva in a hospitable temple, park, holy centre or a private house. The place should be cleaned, a high platform constructed, and decorated with banana leaves, fruits, flowers, flags, banners, etc. The people in the pleasant mood should face east and the discourser either east or north. Lord Shiva is assigned a high seat and the discourser, the scholar of high respect should be  pious and well versed in the sacred scripture. It is the tale of the greatest Guru who bestows salvation. As per the regulations the narration is started at sunrise and would be continued for 7 1/2 hours. The narration starts with Ganesha, Navagraha and Veerabhadra Puja, as well as worshipping the text of Shiva Purana. The story must be listened with utmost devotion and complete attention with out distraction. It is not an act for rogues and wicked but an immense blessing for those who are disciplined, serene and humble. The Shiva Panchakshara Mantra wards off all evil and misery. What else does any one require if Bholenath is with us in each and every breath we take.

Om Namah Shivaya!

D. Ashalatha Reddy

Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Shiva Purana - 5

The Glory of Shiva Purana - Prologue - Chapter - 5

The eternal bliss is not momentary and is reaching the holy feet of Lord SHIVA the redeemer. Cancula was fortunate enough to attain salvation and reverentially bowed down in front of Goddess Parvathi. As mata was immensely pleased with Cancula's devotion she gave her a boon. At this benevolence Cancula enquired about her husband's whereabouts. Mata Amba told Cancula about the gory plight of Binduga, who after serving his spell in Hell as become a Pisaca, a residue of sins and happened to be in the Vindhya Mountains. Overwhelmed by the painful distress of her husband, Cancula begged for his redemption. Jagadamba then sent Tumbura, the holy sage to narrate the story of Shiva. The news spread across the world and the congregation of sages came not only to bind Pisaca, but also to listen to the sacred verses. The holiest of the holy Shiva Purana transformed Binduga in to an angel and reunited him with his wife as they lived ever after in the service of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi. Suta said that anyone who listens to this anecdote and recite piously shall enjoy immense pleasures and liberation from world. 

Om Shivaya Namah!

D Ashalatha Reddy

The Shiva Purana - 4


The Glory of Shiva Purana - Prologue - Chapter - 4

In continuation to the  chapter 3 we find the sacrament of the pious scholar who tells Cancula about Shiva Purana. He promulgates about the glory of Shiva Purana and says that the lady has realised her mistake at the right time and sought the refuge of Shiva who would propel all her sins. The hearing of Shiva Purana has turned her mind towards repentance and detachment from worldly pleasures. A pure mind is an abode of Shiva and Parvathi. Listening to His story is the means of realising four-fold aim of life, cause of beatitude of all men and dispels the ailment of worldly bondage. The story of Shiva brings in steadfast contemplation which leads to perfect knowledge and salvation. The constant meditation and devotion of Mahesa, Amba and their sons Ganesha and Kartikeya blesses one to attain the ultimate liberation. In each and every birth offering our bhakthi at  the lotus feet of Lord Shiva is the Moksha Marga. Thus the spiritual guru sermoned and advised Cancula to follow devotion and once again involved himself in his meditation with a pure soul. Suta says that with a heightened three fold devotion to Shiva - sravana, manana and Keerthana Cancula remained in the service of the guru, as well as regulated her speech, diet and ways of living. In her salvation Tripurari granted her His divine Darshan and she became a blessed chaperon of Parvathi in the permanent abode of excellent bliss and sublime lustre. Lord Shiva served by the Devas and Pramadha Ganas is an embodiment of brilliant light, the chanting of whose name is the greatest blessing of human life. Om Namah Shivaya!

D Ashalatha Reddy

The Shiva Purana - 3

 The Glory of Shiva Purana - Prologue - Chapter 3

Shiva Purana is the ultimate source of human transformation and epitome of liberation.  The sanctified Shiv Kathasagar is an immense ocean of knowledge and wisdom. Suta further in discussion with Saunaka narrated the story of Cancula. In the horrid city of Baskala where virtues are forbidden and sinful people reside, Binduga was one such brahmin who lead the most wicked life and ignored his wife Cancula. She initially was subservient to her husband but as he lead a sinful life in company of other women she took the same path in youthful lust. After sometime she started earning from her cheap life and this was with great support of her husband. After Binduga passed away and as she became old Cancula went on a pilgrimage to Gokarna where she happened to hear the Shiva Purana. She was at once disillusioned and felt detached realising all her dark sins and fell at the feet of the Scholar who was reciting the story and asked him to show a way for salvation which would be discussed in the next Chapter. It is only the nectar called Shiva Purana which helps us to take ablutions in the Sadhana holy like Ganges. It makes us dear to Shiva and Amba. 

Jai Shivji Maharaj!

D Ashalatha Reddy

The Shiva Purana - 2


The Glory of Shiva Purana - Prologue - Chapter - 2

Saunaka after listening to the introductory note of Suta was awe struck by the wonderful narrative and thanked Suta for sharing the tale which destroys the host of sins, purifies mind and propitiates Lord Shiva. He further asked Suta to tell more about the divine story of the Lord with compassion to enlighten and gratify the world.  Suta further stated that the Shiva Purana is a great Jananayajna which dispels all sins and delights Shiva. The Manudharma established Varnashrama vidhana wherein the society followed set rules and norms. It is not a debate that we have to follow it or discard. But in the Kaliyug the world is full of wickedness, lecherous disposition, violent activities, malicious temperament, thirst of covetousness, deception, misappropriation and unclean habits. Suta here highlights with the example of Devaraja, a vicious brahmin who was  addicted to wine, characterless, slayer of his own family, threat for the society, a cheat who robbed people in business and a icon of adharma. One day he happened to hear the holy discourse of Shiva Purana in a temple during his last days and thus Lord Yama relieved him from his clutches and he attained Shiva loka. A mere hearing of the blessed story of Shiva Purana qualifies even the greatest sinner for liberation and salvation. Om Shivoham!

D. Ashalatha Reddy

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

The Shiva Purana - 1

The Glory of Shiva Purana - Prologue - Chapter - 1

The Shiva Purana is one of the 18 sacred scriptures of Hinduism. The holy text written by Romaharshana, was recited to Saunaka and other Sages of Naimisaranya by Suta his son and disciple of Veda Vyasa. In Kaliyuga, the terrible age is full of abominable people what  is required is good conduct and devotion.

The soul needs purification to attain the blessings of Shiva and be redeemed of all sins. The only means is the Maha Shiva Purana narrated by Shiva himself and abdridged by Vyasa to sanctify the human mind and shower the fortune of sinless life.

The most pious rendering of God's divine power - any one who listens to it, reads it and follows it with respect are the manifestation of Rudra himself. They cross the ocean of worldly existence, forest of karma and achieve liberation. Shiva Purana like nectar makes the man immortal. The complete Shiva Purana is divided in to 24,000 verses divided in 7 Samhitas - Vaideshwara, Rudra, Sata-Rudra, Koti Rudra, Uma, Kailasa and Vayaviya compendiums.

The revered Purana explains trividha bhakthi of  meditation, recital of prayer, acts of worship and service. The Shiva puran accords 4 aims of life - virtue, wealth, love and salvation if read with great devotion. It is above all the holy sacrifices and rivers. The ultimate Moksha - Jivanmukhti is possible only with Shiva Purana.

Suta in the opening of his magnificent rendition bows to the holy feet of Shiva for initiating him to bestow the extremely delightful and noblest harbinger of welfare to spiritual seekers. Man would be ridden off physical illness, extraneous activities and  calamities. The blest Shiva Purana is reaching of a goal / desire which brings happiness today, tomorrow and ever after.

Om Shivoham

 D   Ashalatha Reddy