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Monday, November 21, 2016

20 keys for success in Job and Career

KEY # 20

“The poorest man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without a dream”.
                                                                                                                  - Pennsylvania School

Make God your divine work partner

God is always a counsellor, an adviser, a companion, as one who walks beside us. Life is journey into the unknown. But God by our side, we will always choose the right path and take the right decisions.

20 keys for success in Job and Career

KEY # 19

“In has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste”.

Refuse the bondage of bribery and the influence of intimation

If you want to be a success, learn to be a giver. Mutual obligation destroys the fun and the spontaneity of a friendship and relationship.

20 keys for success in Job and Career

KEY # 18

“Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I will give you a man who will make history. Give me a man without a goal and I will give you a stock clerk”.
                                                                                          - J.C.Penny.

Avoid flattery and do not give undeserved praise

Make your words count. Don’t say that someone or something is fabulous unless it is the truth. Don’t use flattery or give undeserved praise. Instead, learn to speak the truth in wisdom and in love.

20 keys for success in Job and Career

KEY # 17

“He who master’s his time, masters his life”.
                                                                        - Mike Murdock

Keep accurate records

Accurate record keeping is the basis of all successful business. Here are some useful tips:

  1. Have a place for your receipts and staple them to file-sized paper before filing. Often, the receipts from credit cards, restaurants, gasoline stations are small and can easily be lost in a shuffle of papers, paper clips and stuffed file cabinets.
  2. Have a table of contents for retiring all receipts and information when necessary.
  3. When dealing with paper work, remember to touch it only once. Use the T.R.A.F.

  • Throw it away instantly if it serves no purpose for your goals.
  • Refer it or delegate it and mark your calendar for follow-up.
  • Act immediately if it will benefit you or others who depend on you.
  • File it now. Don’t pile it.

20 keys for success in Job and Career

KEY # 16

“I recall the story of the farmer who, when asked by his neighbour why he was working his son hard just to grow corn, he replied, I’m not just growing corn, I’m growing sons”.
                                                                                                                    - Kenneth Blanchard.

Learn to harness your anger and control anger and control your spirit


  • has energy
  • can be deadly
  • is often the result of focus on the wrong things.
  • Puts people in prison, explodes marriages, and destroys friendships.

One harsh statement, one rash act, one moment of unbridled passion can unravel years of work and preparation. One phrase spoken out of place, one emotion allowed out of control can ruin a relationship.

20 keys for success in Job and Career

KEY # 15

“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michel Angelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the host of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.”
-          Martin Luther King, Jr.

Do more then is expected of you

Whatever your line of work, you will find that it pays to do more than you have to do, more than is required or expected of you. “Don’t try to meet your expected quotas. Exceed them”. Exceeding quotas and expectations accomplishes three very important things.

  1. It gives your creativity a chance to soar.
  2. It causes those around you to raise their own level of performance.
  3. It gives tangible evidence of your commitment.
Others take note of the man or woman who, without need of recognition but for the joy of service and excellence, steps beyond what is expected.

20 keys for success in Job and Career

KEY # 14

“Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort”.
                                                                                                        - Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Project an attitude of forgiveness, mercy and favour on your job

If you would like to be viewed as a happy, competent, knowledgeable, creative and successful person, then learn to project an attitude of forgiveness, mercy and favour. Mercy is not just an action. Create a climate that attracts others. Consequently you will be honoured and even promoted. We never know when mercy, forgiveness and favour that we show another will come back to us. It is only with this attitude, we project our decision to bless the world around us.

20 keys for success in Job and Career

KEY # 13

“Winners will take care of themselves. When you give your best effort that is what makes you a winner”.
                       -  John Wooden

Do not spread Garbage

If you want to be a success, don’t try to build yourself up by tearing someone else down. Successful people do not spread garbage on the job. They don’t circulate trash. Harness your words. Control your emotions. Don’t get involved in anything other than restoration. One of the greatest ways to prove your capacity for loyalty is for others to discover that you refuse to make any derogatory statements regarding people not present. Cultivate one habit, i.e., to be loyal to have those not present.

20 keys for success in Job and Career

KEY # 12

 “Success consists of a series of little daily efforts”.
-          Mami Mcculloch.

Project gentleness, in genuine love and enthusiasm

The world is a dark and lonely place for many people. When you project gentleness and God through your work and actions, you show the people around you a new way – one on which they can depend as never before.

20 keys for success in Job and Career

KEY # 11

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand”.
                                                                                                                         - Vince Lombardi

Assist others in their responsibilities whenever possible

If you want to be a success, then learn to assist others to reach their goals and dreams.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

In May 2016 we were on a trip to Delhi. Though we really did not plan, visiting Haridwar was a wish which meant a lot to me. My dream to see Himalayas and touch the divine Ganga was always dear to me. As we got an opportunity to visit Haridwar and Rishikesh it was truly fortunate. The trip was relaxing and exciting. We came to Haridwar after Rishikesh. It was raining and Ganges as in full flow up to the bridge. By the time we reached, it was the time for the Aarthi at Har Ki Pauri. The glimmering lights, chimming bells, the glorious chanting, the Ganges flowing rhythmically, the diyas in flower baskets floating in the powerful currents and drifting across as I stand in the Ganga ghat with my Son engrossed... my soul was feeling the eternal bliss. It was with the touch of Ganga that I could realize the presence of Lord Shiva and Sri Maha Vishnu there at that moment. Life becomes easy when we carry the beautiful memories of true peace which I could experience on that day.

P. DEVESH REDDY - Super Champion - GAJSMA International Abacus and Mental Arithmetic Competition - Ist Kyu - Singapore - 2nd october - 2016